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Using RNA-Seq data to improve microRNA target prediction accuracy in animals

Downloading the tool

The tool can be downloaded from the FilTar main project page hosted on GitHub. From this page, there are two main ways in which the tool can be donwloaded:

Stable releases

If the user clicks on the 'releases' tab on the main page, they will be redireted to a page which details the projects release history with associated version numbers. These are stable releases. Differences in differnt releases denote enhancements and bug fixes made to the project. All changes to the project are documented on this page. From this page, a compressed and archived version of the project can be downloaded with either .zip or .tar.gz file extensions. It is always recommended to use the latest release version.

Development Version

A development version of the tool can also be downloaded. These reflect changes made to the project after the latest tagged release (e.g. v1.2.0) which has not yet been assigned it's own version number. All changes made in the development version are tested and expected to be stable, however, changes are not yet officially documented. The development version of the project can be downloaded by clicking the green 'Clone or download' icon on the main project page and then clicking the subsequent 'Download ZIP' icon.

For the majority of time, the development version of the project and the latest stable release will be identical.